Category: 9th Science

  • Physics 9th: Motion | Derivation of Equations of Motion by Graphical Method

    Physics 9th: Motion | Derivation of Equations of Motion by Graphical Method Derivation of Equations of Motion by Graphical Method   TO DERIVE v = u + at BY GRAPHICAL METHOD   This is a graph of uniform acceleration with ‘u’ as initial velocity and ‘v’ as final velocity.     Initial velocity = u = OP…

  • Physics 9th: Motion | Graphical Representation of Motion

    Physics 9th: Motion | Graphical Representation of Motion Graphical Representation of Motion A Graph represents the relation between two variable quantities in pictorial form. A graph is plotted between two variable quantities. The quantity that is made to alter at will is called independent variable. The other quantity, which varies as a result of this…