Tag: CBSE 9th Chemistry

  • Practice Exercise on Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour

     Practice Exercise on Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour FILL IN THE BLANKS: 1. Matter is made up of…………………………… 2. Evaporation cause……………………………… 3. The smell of perfume gradually spread across a room due to ………………………. 4. …………………………..is the change of gaseous state directly to solid state without going through liquid state and vice-versa. 5. Rapid evaporation depends…

  • CBSE 9th Chemistry | The Matter-Nature and Behaviour (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

    The Matter-Nature and Behaviour (Very Short Answer Type Questions) Question 1. The earlier Indian Philosophers classified matter in the form of five basic elements. Name these five elements. Answer. The five basic elements are : Air, Earth, Fire, Sky and Water. Question 2. According to modern view is matter continuous or particulate? Answer. Matter is…