Category: 9th Science

  • Practice Exercise on Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour

     Practice Exercise on Matter-Its Nature and Behaviour FILL IN THE BLANKS: 1. Matter is made up of…………………………… 2. Evaporation cause……………………………… 3. The smell of perfume gradually spread across a room due to ………………………. 4. ………………………… the change of gaseous state directly to solid state without going through liquid state and vice-versa. 5. Rapid evaporation depends…

  • CBSE 9th Chemistry | Matter- Its Nature and Behaviour (Conceptual Questions with Answers)

    Matter- Its Nature and Behaviour (Conceptual Questions with Answers) Question 1. Sugar when kept in different jars gain their shape. Is sugar a solid ? Answer. Yes, sugar is solid because shape of each individual crystal of sugar remains fixed whether we take it in our hand or put in a plate or put it…