CBSE 10th Mathematics | Similar Triangles | Areas of Similar Triangles

Similar Triangles | Areas of Similar Triangles


The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides.

DABC and DPQR such that DABC ~ DPQR.

To prove:
\displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{A{{B}^{2}}}{P{{Q}^{2}}}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{Q{{R}^{2}}}=\frac{C{{A}^{2}}}{R{{P}^{2}}}

Draw AD ^ BC and PS QR

Proof:    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{\frac{1}{2}\times BC\times AD}{\frac{1}{2}\times QR\times PS}
[\displaystyle \because Area of triangle \displaystyle =\frac{1}{2} base ´ height]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{BC}{QR}\times \frac{AD}{PS}                …(i)


ÐB = ÐQ            [\displaystyle \because DABC ~ DPQR]

ÐADB = ÐPSQ        [Both 90°]

\    DADB ~ DPSQ            [By AA similarity]

Þ     \displaystyle \frac{AD}{PS}=\frac{AB}{PQ}                        …(ii)

[Corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional]

But    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{BC}{QR}            [\displaystyle \because DABC ~ DPQR]

\    \displaystyle \frac{AD}{PS}=\frac{BC}{QR}            [Using (ii)]        …(iii)

From (i) and (iii), we have

\displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{BC}{QR}\times \frac{BC}{QR}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{Q{{R}^{2}}}            …(iv)

Since     DABC ~ DPQR

\    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{BC}{QR}=\frac{CA}{RP}                …(v)

Hence, \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{A{{B}^{2}}}{P{{Q}^{2}}}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{Q{{R}^{2}}}=\frac{C{{A}^{2}}}{R{{P}^{2}}}    [From (iv) and (v)]

Solved Questions based on Areas of Similar Triangles


The areas of two similar triangles ABC and PQR are 64 cm2 and 36 cm2 respectively. If QR = 16.5 cm, find BC.


Since the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of the corresponding sides.

\    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{Q{{R}^{2}}}    Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{64}\,\,\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{\text{2}}}}{\text{36}\,\,\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{\text{2}}}}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{{{(16.5\,\,\text{cm})}^{2}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{8\,\,cm}{6\,\,cm}=\frac{BC}{16.5\,\,cm}    Þ    \displaystyle BC=\frac{8\times 16.5}{6}\text{cm}=\text{22}\,\,\text{cm}

Hence    BC = 22 cm.


In the given figure, LM || BC. AM = 3 cm, MC = 4 cm.     If the ar(DALM) = 27 cm2, calculate the ar(DABC).


Given:     LM || BC AM = 3 cm, MC = 4 cm and ar(DALM) = 27 cm2

To Find: ar(DABC)

Proof:    ÐALM = ÐABC and ÐAML = ÐACB     [Corresponding Ðs]

\    DALM ~ DABC            [By AA criterion of similarity]

Since the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of any two corresponding sides.


\displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ALM)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}=\frac{A{{M}^{2}}}{A{{C}^{2}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ALM)}{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ABC)}=\frac{A{{M}^{2}}}{{{(AM+MC)}^{2}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{27\,\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{2}}}{\text{ar}\,\text{(}\Delta ABC\text{)}}=\frac{{{(3\,\,\text{cm)}}^{\text{2}}}}{{{(7\,\text{cm)}}^{\text{2}}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)=\left( \frac{27\times 7\times 7}{3\times 3} \right)\,\,\text{c}{{\text{m}}^{2}}

Þ    ar (DABC) = 147 cm2


D, E, F are the midpoints of the sides BC, CA and AB respectively of DABC. Determine the ratio of the areas of DDEF and DABC.


Given: D, E and F are the midpoints of the sides BC,
CA and AB respectively of DABC.

To find:
Ratio of the areas of DDEF and DABC

Since D and E are the midpoints of the sides BC and CA respectively of DABC

Therefore, DE || BA
DE || BF            …(i)

Since F and E are the midpoints of AB and AC respectively of DABC.

Therefore, FE || BC
Þ FE || BD            …(ii)

From equations (i) and (ii), we get that BDEF is a parallelogram.

\    ÐB = ÐDEF                    …(iii)

[Opposite angles of a parallelogram BDEF]

Similarly AFDE is a parallelogram

\    ÐA = ÐFDE                    …(iv)

[Opposite angles of a parallelogram BDEF]


ÐB = ÐDEF                    [From (iii)]

ÐA = ÐFDE                    [From (iv)]

\    DABC ~ DDEF                    [By AA similarity]

Since the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of any two corresponding sides.

\    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta DEF)}{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ABC)}=\frac{D{{E}^{2}}}{A{{B}^{2}}}=\frac{{{\left( \frac{AB}{2} \right)}^{2}}}{A{{B}^{2}}}=\frac{1}{4} [\displaystyle \because By Midpoint Theorem \displaystyle DE=\frac{1}{2}AB]

Hence, ar(DDEF) : ar(DABC) = 1 : 4


In figure, the line segment XY is parallel to side AC of DABC and it divides the triangle into two parts of equal areas. Find the ratio \displaystyle \frac{AX}{AB}.


We have    XY || AC                [Given]

So,        ÐBXY = ÐA and ÐBYX = ÐC        [Corresponding angles]

Therefore,    DABC ~ DXBY                [By AA similarity]

So,        \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(ABC)}{\text{ar}\,\,(XBY)}={{\left( \frac{AB}{XB} \right)}^{2}}            …(i)

[The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides]

ar(BXY) = ar(ACYX)                    [Given]

Adding ar(BXY) to both sides we have

ar(ABC) = 2ar (XBY)

So,        \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(ABC)}{\text{ar}\,\,(XBY)}=\frac{2}{1}            …(ii)

Therefore, from (i) and (ii),

\displaystyle {{\left( \frac{AB}{XB} \right)}^{2}}=\frac{2}{1},\,\,i.e.,\,\,\frac{AB}{XB}=\frac{\sqrt{2}}{1}


\displaystyle \frac{XB}{AB}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}

\displaystyle \frac{AB}{AB}-\frac{AX}{AB}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}


\displaystyle 1-\frac{AX}{AB}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}


\displaystyle 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{AX}{AB}

\displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{2}-1}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{AX}{AB} or \displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2}}\times \frac{\sqrt{2}-1}{\sqrt{2}} = \displaystyle \frac{AX}{AB}

= \displaystyle \frac{2-\sqrt{2}}{2}=\frac{AX}{AB}


Prove that ratio of areas of two similar triangles is the same as the ratio of the squares of their corresponding medians.


Given:     Two triangles ABC and PQR such that DABC ~ DPQR

AL and PM are the medians of DABC and DPQR respectively.

To Prove: \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta PQR)}=\frac{A{{L}^{2}}}{P{{M}^{2}}}

Proof:          DABC ~ DPQR    [Given]

Þ \displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{BC}{QR}    [Corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional]

Þ \displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{2BL}{2QM}             [\displaystyle \because AL and PM are the medians]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{BL}{QM}                    …(i)

Now, in DABL and DPQM, we have

\displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{BL}{QM}            [From (i)]

ÐB = ÐQ            [Corr. Ðs of similar triangles]

\    DABL ~ DPQM            [By SAS similarity]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{BL}{QM}=\frac{AL}{PM}                    …(ii)

[Corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional]

From equation (i) and equation (ii), we have

\displaystyle \frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{AL}{PM}\Rightarrow \frac{A{{B}^{2}}}{P{{Q}^{2}}}=\frac{A{{L}^{2}}}{P{{M}^{2}}}             …(iii)

Since the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides.

Therefore,    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,\text{(}\Delta PQR\text{)}}=\frac{A{{B}^{2}}}{P{{Q}^{2}}}            …(iv)

From equation (iii) and equation (iv), we have

\displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{ar}\,\text{(}\Delta PQR\text{)}}=\frac{A{{L}^{2}}}{P{{M}^{2}}}


Prove that the area of the equilateral triangle BCE described on one side BC of a square ABCD as base is half the area of the equilateral triangle ACF described on the diagonal AC as base.


ABCD is a square. DBCE is described on side BC is similar to DACF described on diagonal AC.

To Prove:
ar(DCBE) = \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} ar(DACF)

ABCD is a square. Therefore,

\displaystyle AB=BC=CD=DA and, \displaystyle AC=\sqrt{2}BC [\displaystyle \because Diagonal = \displaystyle \sqrt{2} (Side)]

Now,    \displaystyle \Delta BCE ~ DACF     [Both are equiangular hence similar by AA criteria]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta BCE)}{\text{Area}\,(\Delta ACF)}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{A{{C}^{2}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta BCE)}{\text{Area}\,\,(\Delta ACF)}=\frac{B{{C}^{2}}}{{{(\sqrt{2}BC)}^{2}}}=\frac{1}{2}

Þ    \displaystyle \text{Area}\,(\Delta BCE)=\frac{1}{2}\text{Area}\,(\Delta ACF)


In figure, DE || BC and AD : DB = 5 : 4. Find \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta DEF)}{\text{Area}\,\,(\Delta CFB)}.


DE || BC and AD : DB = 5 : 4

To find: \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta DEF)}{\text{Area}\,\,(\Delta CFB)}.

Proof: In DABC,

Since DE || BC                    [Given]

Þ    ÐADE = ÐABC and ÐAED = ÐACB        [Corresponding angles]

In triangles ADE and ABC, we have

ÐA = ÐA                    [Common]

ÐADE = ÐABC                [Proved above]

and,     ÐAED = ÐACB                [Proved above]

\    DADE ~ DABC                    [By AAA similarity]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AD}{AB}=\frac{DE}{BC}

We have,

\displaystyle \frac{AD}{DB}=\frac{5}{4}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{DB}{AD}=\frac{4}{5}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{DB}{AD}+1=\frac{4}{5}+1                    [Adding 1 to both sides]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{DB+AD}{AD}=\frac{9}{5}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{AD}=\frac{9}{5}

\    \displaystyle \frac{DE}{BC}=\frac{5}{9}                    …(i)

In DDEF and DCFB, we have

Ð1 = Ð3                    [Alternate interior angles]

Ð2 = Ð4                    [Vertically opposite angles]

\     DDFE ~ DCFB                    [By AA similarity]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,\,(\Delta \,DFE)}{\text{Area}\,(\Delta CFB)}=\frac{D{{E}^{2}}}{B{{C}^{2}}}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta DFE)}{\text{Area}\,(\Delta CFB)}={{\left( \frac{5}{9} \right)}^{2}}=\frac{25}{81}            [From (i)]


In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || DC and AB = 2 CD. Find the ratio of the areas of triangles AOB and COD.


Given: ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || DC and AB = 2 CD

To Find: Ratio of the areas of triangles AOB and COD

Proof:    In DAOB and DCOD,

ÐAOB = ÐCOD                [Vertically opposite angles]

ÐOAB = ÐOCD                [Alternate angles as AB || DC]

\    DAOB ~ DCOD                [By AA similarity]

Since the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of squares of any two corresponding sides

\    \displaystyle \frac{\text{ar}\,(\Delta AOB)}{\text{ar}\,(\Delta COD)}=\frac{A{{B}^{2}}}{C{{D}^{2}}}=\frac{{{(2\,CD)}^{2}}}{C{{D}^{2}}}            [\displaystyle \because AB = 2 CD]

\displaystyle =\frac{4\,C{{D}^{2}}}{C{{D}^{2}}}=\frac{4}{1}

Hence, ar(AOB) : ar(DCOD) = 4 : 1


In figure, prove that \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{Area}\,(\Delta DBC)}=\frac{AO}{DO}.


Construction: Draw AX and DY BC

In DAOX and DDOY, we have

ÐAXO = ÐDYO                [Both 90°]

ÐAOX = ÐDOY                 [Vert. Opp. angles]

\    DAOX ~ DDOY                [By AA similarity]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AX}{DY}=\frac{AO}{DO}                    …(i)

Now    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{Area}\,\text{(}\Delta DBC\text{)}}=\frac{\frac{1}{2}BC\times AX}{\frac{1}{2}BC\times DY}=\frac{AX}{DY}

Thus,    \displaystyle \frac{Area\,(\Delta ABC)}{Area\,(\Delta DBC)}=\frac{AO}{DO}                [Using (i)]


Two isosceles triangles have equal vertical angles and their area are in the ratio 16 : 25. Find the ratio of their corresponding heights.


Let DABC and DDEF be the given triangles such that AB = AC and DE = DF, ÐA = ÐD

and,    \displaystyle \frac{\text{Area}\,(\Delta ABC)}{\text{Area}\,(\Delta DEF)}=\frac{16}{25}        …(i)

To Find : \displaystyle \frac{AL}{DM}

Construction: Draw AL BC and DM EF

Proof: Now,    AB = AC, DE = DF

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{AC}=1 and \displaystyle \frac{DE}{DF}=1

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{AC}=\frac{DE}{DF}

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{AB}{DE}=\frac{AC}{DF}

Thus, in triangles ABC and DEF, we have

\displaystyle \frac{AB}{DE}=\frac{AC}{DF} and ÐA = ÐD            [Given]

So, by SAS-similarity criterion, we have


Þ    \displaystyle \frac{Area\,(\Delta ABC)}{Area\,(\Delta DEF)}=\frac{A{{L}^{2}}}{D{{M}^{2}}} [Ratio of areas of two similar triangles is equal to ratio of squares of their corresponding altitudes]

Þ    \displaystyle \frac{16}{25}=\frac{A{{L}^{2}}}{D{{M}^{2}}}                    [Using (i)]

Þ     \displaystyle \frac{4}{5}=\frac{AL}{DM}

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