CBSE 9th Biology | Organization in the Living World- Practice Questions

Organization in the Living World- Practice Questions

Fill in the Blanks

1……………………. tissues are regions where cells have lost their ability to divide.

2. Elongated cells with thickenings at corners constitute

3. Tracheids and vessels are the main elements in the xylem.

4. Lining of alveoli and blood capillaries is formed by epithelium.

5…………………….. connect bones to bones.

6. The………………. meristem is located at the tips of the root stem or branch.

7. The dense connective tissues that connect muscle to bone are called

8. Permanent tissues are derived from……. tissue once they lose the ability to divide.

9. Nervous tissue is made of….. that receive and conduct impulses.

10. Xylem and phloem are types of… tissues.

True False

11. Connective tissue functions in binding and supporting animal tissues.

12. Histology is the study of cells and tissues.

13. Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue.

14. Blood is a type of connective tissue.

15. Voluntary muscles do not get tired on sustained use.

16. Striated, unstriated and cardiac are three types of muscle tissues.

17. Schwann cells insulate nerve fibers within the nervous system.

18. Xylem and phloem are specialized conductive tissues that transport materials through the plant.

19. The palisade layer of the leaf is composed of photosynthetic parenchyma cells.

20. The cells that make up the meristematic region of a plant are specialized and differentiated.

Match Column

Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p, q, r, s) in column II.

Question 21. Match the tissue types with their functions

                          Column I                                   Column II

(A)   Dermal tissue               (p) Adds new cells through growth

(B)   Meristematic                (q) Conduct water and tissue dissolved nutrients

(C)   Ground tissue               (r) covers, protects plant; regulates gas exchange

(D)Vascular tissues              (s) Makes up bulk of plant; stores nutrients; photosynthesizes

Question 22. Match the connective tissue type with its location in the body.

                        Column I                                      Column II

(A) Loose connective                            (p) Ears and joints

(B) Dense connective                           (q) Circulatory system

(C) Blood                                             (r) Under skin

(D) Cartilage                                        (s) Ligaments and tendons

Question 23.

                        Column I                                      Column II
(Contraction speed)                              (Muscle

(A) Fast                                          (p) Cardiac

(B) Moderate                                   (q) Smooth

(C) Slow                                          (r) Skeletal

Question 24.

                          Column I                                  Column II

                            (Cell)                                      (Function)

(A) Parenchyma                              (p) water transport

(B) Sclerenchyma                           (q) water and nutrient support

(C) Tracheids                                  (r) Storage, division

Multiple Choice Questions

Questionn 25. Simple tissues are

(a) Parenchyma, xylem and collenchyma

(b) Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma

(c) Parenchyma, xylem and sclerenchyma

(d) Parenchyma, xylem and phloem

Question 26. The living cells providing tensile strength are

(a) Parenchyma

(b) Collenchyma

(c) Sclerenchyma

(d) Sclerotic cells

Question 27. Quiescent centre is found in

(a) Root tip

(b) Cambium

(c) Shoot tip

(d) Leaf tip

Question 28. The conducting cells of xylem are

(a) Tracheary elements

(b) Sieve elements

(c) Companion cells

(d)  All the above

Question 29. The chief function of vessels in the plant body is

(a) to translocate food material

(b) to conduct water and mineral salts

(c) to support living cells

(d) all the above

Question 30. Inner surface of fallopian tubes, bronchi and bronchioles are lined by

(a) Squamous epithelium

(b) Ciliated epithelium

(c) Columnar epithelium

(d) Cubical epithelium

Question 31. Average life span of human R.B.C. is

(a) 100 days

(b) 90 days

(c) 120 days


Question 32. Which set clearly identify striated muscles

(a) Cylindrical, syncytial and unbranched

(b) Spindle, unbranched and uninucleated

(c) Cylindrical, striped and nucleated

(d) Cylindrical, striped and branched

Question 33. Cardiac muscle cells are cylindrical branched

(a) Uninucleate and voluntary

(b) Uninucleate and involuntary

(c) Multinucleate and voluntary

(d) Multinucleate and involuntary

Question 34. The fibrous tissue which connects the two bone is

(a) Connective tissue

(b) Tendon

(c) Ligament

(d) Adipose tissue

Question 35. Largest number of cell bodies of neuron in our body are found in

(a) Retina

(b) Spinal cord

(c) Brain

(d) Tongue

Question 36. Neurons are classified on the basis of

(a) Number of nucleus present

(b) Number of processes arising from the cell body

(c) Number of dendrites present

(d) Number of axons present

Question 37. Tissues that have long and narrow cells are called

(a) Cuboidal epithelium

(b) Squamous epithelium

(c) Germinal epithelium

(d) Columnar epithelium

Question 38. The vascular tissues of the plant function in

(a) Support

(b) Support and transport of materials

(c) Secretion of plant hormones

(d) All of the above

Question 39. Which tissue lacks blood supply and heals slowly

(a) Nervous

(b) Muscle

(c) Cartilage

(d) Bone

Amit Thakur:
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