Tag: NCERT Text

  • Chemistry X | Acids, Bases and Salts | Family of Salts

    Family of Salts Activity 2.13 Write the formulae of the salts given below. Potassium sulphate, sodium sulphate, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, copper sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, sodium carbonate and ammonium chloride. Identify the acids and bases from which the above salts may be obtained. Salts having the same positive or negative radicals are said…

  • Chemistry X | Acids, Bases and Salts | Importance of pH in Everyday Life

    Importance of pH in Everyday Life Are plants and animals pH sensitive? Our body works within the pH range of 7.0 to 7.8. Living organisms can survive only in a narrow range of pH change. When pH of rain water is less than 5.6, it is called acid rain. When acid rain flows into the…